A busy weekend at Caravelle at Turku airport during July 13th and 14th

Maanantai 15.7.2024 - Ismo Matinlauri


This weekend was the busiest we have had so far this year at our Caravelle. In this blog you will find some photos from the successful events.

Saturday, July 13th

On Saturday there was a display of French vintage car technology beside the Caravelle.


Club Renault de Finlande is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. They started their Finland Tour from Turku airport on July 13th. For Renault 2024 is a year of celebration as well, the company was established 125 years ago.

Below some photos from the sunny Club Renault de Finlande event. The weather conditions were favourable, and the temperature climbed to +26 degrees Centigrade.



There was a nice collection of vintage Renaults on display.


The day was successful also for Caravelle as we had well over 50 visitors.

Sunday, July 14th

On Sunday morning it was rainy in Turku and the temperature was much lower than on Saturday, only +18 degrees Centigrade. Despite the drizzle, we celebrated the National Day of France and hoisted the flag appropriately. In the staff room “Café Caravelle” there were naturally fresh croissants available for our volunteers.


There were less visitors than on the previous day, probably due to the weather. However, there were more than a hundred visitors during the weekend, and we can be very satisfied with these summer events.

Next week we will have the main effort of the summer as Caravelle will be open to the public during the Tall Ships Race event in Turku. The aircraft is open daily from 10 am to 3 pm from Thursday to Sunday, July 18th – July 21st.

If you are in the Turku area next week, come and visit us at the airport!

Photos by Ismo Matinlauri

Translation by Erja Reinikainen.

Avainsanat: aviation history, restoration, Caravelle, OH-LEA, Sinilintu, Bluebird